Most Common signs a Fatty Liver & Disease

Most Eight Common Signs that you have a Fatty Liver

Fatty Liver Disease

What is a Fatty Liver?

Fatty liver disease, is a condition where your liver becomes filled up with fat. (Hepatic steatosis)

If left unchecked, this can cause the liver to become swollen and inflamed triggering problems in the body, like belly fat formation, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease or a swollen gallbladder. 

Eventually the liver can become so damaged that scar tissue forms inside (fibrosis), which blocks the liver cells from cleaning, your blood, causing toxins to build up inside the tissues throughout your body. 

And fortunately, over 25% of adults  worldwide, suffer with fatty liver disease because of eating the wrong foods. One of the main causes is eating too many omega-6, vegetable oils, like margarine cottonseed, corn soy or canola oil, because these cause inflammation in the liver cells, which prevents the normal in effects. You can also get a fatty liver if you're eating too many sugary foods, as these are converted into free fatty acids, that can clog up the lever. Another causes drinking alcohol which triggers certain genes that tell your liver to store more fat instead of burning it. Another problem is that high fructose corn syrup is quickly, converted into fat in the lever. And fortunately, this is added to over 80% of the packaged foods, especially so the drinks sources and fast foods to make them taste better. And in rare cases taking certain drugs medications and even viruses. Could damage deliver causing fat to accumulate fatty liver disease. Doesn't usually show up on a liver enzyme blood test and it can go unnoticed and undetected for years until the liver becomes very, very damaged.

This Article is for educational purposes only so do speak to your doctor. If you have any medical concerns.

Sign of a Fatty Liver

1. Right Shoulder Pain

If you notice that you have pain or tightness in your right shoulder, neck, jaw or beneath the shoulder blade this could be coming from a fatty liver. Your liver makes a liquid called bile, which helps your body to digest and break down fats from your food such as needs or olive oil, for example. But when you liver is congested with too much fat, the bile can become thicker and it gets trapped in the little tubes causing the liver to swell up and become inflamed. This puts pressure on the freeing nerve that runs up your right side, causing referred pain in the upper, right muscles of your back or your neck.

2. Belly Fat

Second and most common sign is belly fat. If you have a large pot-shaped belly or lots of fat around your midsection, you also likely have a fatty liver. What happens is, fat starts to accumulate inside the lever and then when there's no more room, it starts spreading and turning into visceral and subcutaneous fat around your stomach. This are all fat is actually the most dangerous because it's trapped around your internal organs blocking their normal function and this can raise your blood pressure leading to heart attacks. As a side note, it's important that I mention you don't have to have a pot shape belly to have a fatty liver. You can still have this oral fat around your organs and be completely unaware.

3. Rib pain or costochondritis

If you've got pain in the ribs on your right side, this could also be caused by bile sludge that's built up inside your liver or gallbladder. This sludge contains concentrated cholesterol and often forms. When you have a fatty liver or your gallbladder is irritated, and the bile has become too thick. This causes irritation of the cartilage in your ribs and can be extremely painful. Especially, if you sit at a desk all day as these little rib hinges can start seizing up triggering a condition, which we call costcochondritis or rip pain. 

4. Spider Veins (Angioma)

People who have liver damage also have higher levels of estrogen because the liver is unable to filter out the excess hormones, causing them to become out of balance. Higher estrogen weakens the veins in your body and can cause small spider veins to appear on your skin. These usually have a red dot in the center with reddish extensions that reach out from the middle. 

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5. Man Boobs

If you're a man who has a fatty liver, the higher levels of estrogen that I just talked about can build up and cause you to develop female breast tissue. It usually starts as a lump of fatty tissue just beneath the nipple and the nipple becomes painful and tender when touched.

6. Swollen Right Foot (Edema)

If you notice that your right foot and your ankle is more swollen than the left, this can be an extremely common sign that you have liver damage. When you press your finger into the swollen area and your foot, it can leave an indentation because it's filled up with fluid We call this pitting edema. This swelling is caused by poor blood circulation from your liver.

7. Itchy hands or feet? (Cholestatic pruritus)

As I mentioned earlier, in the article, when the liver becomes fatty, it can become blocked and backed up with bile. This bile, liquid can start to leach out and accumulate under the skin, which causes histamines to build up in the blood. These trigger a reaction that makes you itchy on the souls of your feet or the palms of your hands.

8. Low thyroid (Hypothyroidism)

If you've been diagnosed with a slow thyroid or hypothyroidism, let it be known that this is often caused by liver damage. You sen the whole man, your thyroid makes is called T4, (80%) of, this is then activated and converted into the active form T3 inside your liver. However, if you have a fatty liver or cirrhosis, this can block this conversion, causing you to have a slow thyroid and problems with your metabolism.

9. Constant Fatigue (Lethargy)

Although there are many different causes of feeling tired. A fatty liver is actually one of the main and most common causes of lethargy. What happens is when there's too much fat inside the liver and not enough. bile is being released, you'll struggle to absorb enough fat soluble nutrients from your food, like vitamin A, D, E, K And also carotenoids that are found in plants. This will reduce the amount of antioxidants in your body leaving, you feeling weaker tired and sluggish all the time.

So if you have a collection of these symptoms, it's highly recommended to go and visit your doctor and ask for an ultrasound test. This is the very simple test that they use on pregnant women and it uses sound waves to take an image of your liver and the network of blood vessels inside to find out. If there are any fatty deposits building up Inside the organ. 

Fortunately, the liver is one of the only organs in the body that can completely heal and regenerate.

How to reverse fatty liver disease

Now, let's take a look at six lifestyle changes that you can make to help remove all this excess fat in your liver and allow it to recover and heal naturally.

1. Cut out inflammatory vegetable oils that are damaging your liver, like margarines soy, oil corn, cottonseed canola and processed olive oils, fast foods, and packaged foods are often cooked in these cheap oils. So you'll want to start in your own healthy meals at home, using healthy alternatives like organic raw, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and cold pressed avocado oil. 

These Healthiar fats are rich in nutrients, like fishing in E, which helps to dissolve scar tissue inside the lever.

2. Start taking a good quality digestive enzyme supplement on an empty stomach one hour before each meal, make sure that the brand you choose contains purified bile pancreatine and betaine hydrochloride in the ingredients list.

These enzymes help to thin out the bile in your liver so that it can dissolve excess fat and clean out the organ. I also recommend taking 300 milligrams of CDP choline Once a day. This is one of the most important lipotropic nutrients, which helps to improve the quality of your own bile, the detergent that breaks down fat and strips away fat from your liver.

3. It's very important that you cut back on. Sugary starchy and grain-based foods like sweets, bread biscuits, pasta, rice and potatoes. For example, Replace these foods with anti-inflammatory foods including wild fish, grass-fed meats, and pasteurized eggs. These proteins are also rich in choline and lesser thin nutrients which actively strip fat off the lever. It's also recommended to eat lots of organic sulfur rich, vegetables, like garlic asparagus onions and leeks. 

Along with cruciferous vegetables like brussel sprouts, radishes, cauliflower, and broccoli. Sulfur from these foods helps to boost the enzymes in your liver that break down fat and detoxify harmful substances in your body like alcohol For example.

4. Take 150 milligrams of milk thistle extract 2-3 times per day to help detox your liver. This herb is alluded with syllamine, a compound that boosts glutathione is the master antioxidant made by your liver, and it heals and regenerates, the liver cells, and helps to regulate inflammation throughout your entire body.

5. To allow your liver to really heal and recover. You need to stop snacking and eating frequently through the day to allow time for the liver to dissolve existing fat. Intermittent fasting is a great way to do this, where you eat all of your calories for the day in a 4-hour window and then you fast for the remaining, 20 hours. Fasting triggers a process which we called autofhaghy, this is where your liver can start recycling old scar tissue and damage proteins turning them into new useable parts.

6. To Help fix fatty liver disease, stabilize, your blood sugars and help your body absorb more nutrients, start drinking one tablespoon apple cider vinegar, two tablespoons of raw, lemon juice and mixed with 500 milliliters of water, every morning you want to drink this on an empty stomach. This drink is loaded with a seating acid, citric acid and vitamin C. That helps to cleanse the liver reduce fat storage and help your liver release more bile. This is one of the most healing and simple health tonics in the world.

Top 6 Vitamins to Clean Your Fatty Liver

The top six vitamins to clean out your fatty liver. Fatty liver disease is a condition that affects over 40% of adults in the United States. And it can cause some major health problems over time, such as weight gain, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart problems. Your liver is the second largest organ in your body after your skin. And it's main job is to filter out toxins from your blood. It also stores nutrients and it produces a liquid called bile that helps to carry away waste and breaks down fat along with over 500 other vital functions.

Now, the liver usually becomes fatty. When people consume too many inflammatory foods and liquids like sugar fructose, vegetable oils alcohol or too many processed carbohydrates. These foods damage to cells in your liver causing insulin resistance and the liver cells, then start making more and more fats called triglycerides, which begin to clog up your liver, This can cause you to experience a range of different symptoms such as pain or tenderness in the right side of your body, especially the shoulder the right side of your neck or just on top of your right rib cage.
Also, if you have belly fat or a pot shaped rounded belly, this is a positive sign that the liver is fatty and fat is now escaping to areas beneath and around your gut. Some people develop spider veins on the skin because the liver isn't filtering out estrogen properly which weakens the valves in your veins.

We will be exploring the top 6 vitamins to clean out fat from your liver and also help to protect you from future damege.

You'll also learn about simple lifestyle changes, you can make to fix the root of the problem. There in mind that I'm using the words vitamins, broadly, to include botanical herbs, and supplements that you can use to clean out your fatty liver.

1. Choline

First and most important nutrient for the liver is choline. If you wish you can take 300 milligrams of CDP, choline daily to help strip away stored, fat inside the liver and help to reverse fatty liver disease. Choline is one of the best nutrients to use if you have any type of liver damage because it helps your liver to produce bile. Bile is a very important liquid which your body uses to digest fats and remove toxins helping to break them down, and eliminate them from the body. And as a bonus Choline is also essential for building your brain, chemical called the sea turtle that helps you to concentrate sleep, better form new memories and prevent memory loss with age.
I recommend getting as much choline as you can by consuming whole foods like beef, liver, organ meats, pasture raised, eggs, shrimp, salmon. Scallops cauliflower. Broccoli cabbage.

2. Vitamin D (with K2)

Often overlooked but is extremely important. Vitamin D. Study show us that people who have a vitamin D deficiency often suffer from fatty liver disease. Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin because your body makes it when your skin is exposed to the sunlight. There's a wider problem that billions of people are deficient in vitamin D around the world due to working and living indoors certain genetic mutations or simply during the winter. When there's less sunshine, you stop your visiting D. You can take 20,000 international units of vitamin D3 on a daily basis and make sure to also take 200 micrograms of vitamin K2 in the form called MK7. You need these two together as they work synergistically to enhance the function of your liver helping to lower inflammation, in the liver cells prevents falling inside and also to help the liver cells regenerate from existing damage. 

3. TUDCA (Bile Salt)

Number three is an extremely powerful remedy called tudka. As I mentioned, your liver, produces an important liquid called bile, which helps to break down fats and cholesterol in your body and absorb fat soluble nutrients like vitamins, A,D,E,K, etc. 

Unfortunately, many people are deficient in bile, which makes it difficult to digest fats properly. Eventually, this leads to gallbladder, problems. Gallstones, nutritional deficiencies, and even pancreatitis If a bile duct gets blocked with one of these stones. This is where Tudca comes in. Tudca is a synthetic version of bile, which has been used for hundreds of years to treat liver problems and digestive issues. You can take one to two capsules in the morning, on an empty, stomach with a tall glass of water to help thin out the bile, from your liver, helping to clean out fat toxins from your body. You can also take one or two more after each meal during the day to help digest the fats in that particular meal, This will help you a lot. If you've had your gallbladder removed.

4. Vitamin E

Which is an antioxidant called vitamin E. One of the main jobs for your liver is removing harmful toxins from your body. Such as pesticides, heavy metals, and vironental, pollutants food additives, drugs medications, and all of these other chemicals In order to detoxify and remove these chemicals. The lever makes one of the most powerful antioxidants of all called gluten thyme, But if you'll liver is fatty or it's inflamed, your glutathione levels may drop and toxins can begin building up inside your tissues and your blood causing immune problems down the line.

So to boost up your glutathione you can load up on vitamin E rich foods such as unroasted sunflower seeds, avocados almonds, Swiss chard hazelnuts and leafy green vegetables. If you want to with vitamin E, the best natural sources called tokatrinos. These are a part of the vitamin E complex that a 50 times stronger than the regular to cough rolls and they can help to dissolve scar tissue and fibrosis. In more advanced stages of liver disease.

5. Milk Thistle (Silymarin)

Milk thistle is one of the most powerful herbal remedies for cleansing the liver one of my favorites. Milk thistle is a herb used for centuries, for healing the body. As it contains a group of fighting nutrients called silymarin, which has some very powerful detoxification properties. It's recommended to take dried milk thistle in its whole form, spread out three times per day to help improve the function of the liver cells. Studies show us that cilymarin helps to lower insulin resistance, which is often the root cause of a fatty liver in the first place. Milk thistle, has been shown to improve liver, enzymes help to detoxify alcohol, dedications poisons, and environmental topsence from your body and most importantly, it boosts glutathione 'the master antioxidant' that can prevent your liver from becoming damaged and developing into is all cirrhosis.

6. SAMe (S-Adenosyl-Methionine)

Many people developed fatty liver disease and inflammation because they have consumed too many inflammatory foods toxins or medicines, which have caused free radical damage inside the body. To counter this damage there is a very powerful compound called SAMe which you can take in a capsule form at 200 milligrams per day and then you can slowly increase it up to 1200 milligrams per day. Spreading these doses out throughout the day.

SAMe helps to improve liver function by lowering inflammation and also boosting gluten levels quite dramatically. Studies show us this compound helps stage two detoxification processes in the liver, where the liver methylates, these toxins and poisons from your blood and it breaks them down into these harmless particles. As you can see, there are some fantastic supplements and nutrients that help to clean out a fatty liver.
So, try out, one or two of these and see, which works best for you.

That I always recommend to anyone with a fatty liver or digestive problems. Thank you so much for Reed my Article today and as always, I wish you great health well and happiness 

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